KVFSC utilizes the Entryeeze system for Membership registration. Membership year runs: July 1-June 30 Membership registration isonline
Membership Options
Introductory Membership:
The Introductory membership is a special discounted rate only available to those becoming first time members of US Figure Skating.
Skaters under 18 must have a parent/guardian join as a Subsequent Family Member.
Valid for the first year of membership, after which, will need to be renewed at regular First Family Member renewal rate.
Membership in USFSA, including the right to compete, test and participate in sanctioned events.
1 year subscription to SKATING Magazine.
Participation in club sessions, social, and fundraising events.
Voting rights (over age 18).
First Family Member:
Membership in USFSA, including the right to compete, test and participate in sanctioned events.
Skaters under 18 must have a parent/guardian join as a Subsequent Family Member.
1 year subscription to SKATING Magazine.
Participation in club sessions, social, and fundraising events.
Voting rights (over age 18).
Subsequent Family Member:
For additional family member of First Family Membership residing at the same address.
Membership in USFSA, including the right to compete, test and participate in sanctioned events.
1 year subscription to SKATING Magazine.
Participation in club sessions, social, and fundraising events.
Voting rights (over age 18).
Membership in USFSA, including the right to compete, test and participate in sanctioned events.
Requires Skating Director approval
** Membership requests will be reviewed by the board prior to processing to USFSA. ** Members must reside in the greater Seattle area and be skating at the Kent Valley Ice Centre regularly. ** All members under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian with a Subsequent Family Member membership. ** Members have a 5 hour per year volunteer requirement.